Brian Kember

My wife, Jeanette, and I pastor a church in Cornwall, Ontario. We have regular Bible studies and organize youth camps on our property. I have worked with Stephen with the discipleship camps since they started. We have a desire to see the youth grow spiritually.

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Bryan Joyce

Bryan is a Bible teacher at Langstaff Church in Vaughan ON. He and wife Rachel have four children. They serve together to encourage God’s people and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Bryan has been helping Stephen and Brian in Discipleship Week for the past few years.

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Stephen Vance

Along with his wife Cynthia, Stephen organizes all the events of GNGO, from being Summer Camp director and the Teen Connect leader, to being the teacher of the adult Exploring God and Life classes.

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Cynthia Vance

Along with her husband, Cynthia co-organizes all the events of GNGO, from being Summer Camp co-director and cook to being the biweekly Youth Connect leader and teacher.

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