Christianity 101
This series of messages, first given in July 2006, will take you through the Christian story, starting with God and creation and the Bible and leading you through the Old Testament law to what the climax of what Bible shows us about Jesus Christ - His death, resurrection and Lordship.
You will find many common questions answered in these lectures (for example, why is there so much suffering in this world, if there is a God?). The great spiritual themes of the Bible are explored, such as salvation, forgiveness, peace, new birth, heaven and hell.
Enjoy! And feel free to contact us with any questions.
Lesson 2: God, Are You There?
By Stephen Vance on October 26, 2020Everyone searches for meaning and satisfaction, but many find it hard to discover. This talk shows us how God satisfies, and it’s reasonable to look to him for satisfaction. There are four basic areas of life and thinking that remind us that God must be real: he is the first
Lesson 1: The God that We Cannot See – Is Materialism the Answer?
By Stephen Vance on September 1, 2020MATERIALISM is the belief that all that exists is matter/material. The physical realm is everything. It is the dominant idea everywhere in the world. But is it TRUE that if we cannot see something, then it does not exist? What about air/wind or gravity? We cannot see them, but we know
Lesson 3: The Chinese Language Tells God’s Story
By Stephen Vance on September 29, 2020The Bible has an answer for why God’s good creation has become so corrupted. In a fascinating way, this story is not only told in the Bible in the early chapters of Genesis, but also in the pictures represented in Chinese script. Discover for yourself where our race went wrong,
Lesson 4: The Cost of Not Listening to God
By Stephen Vance on September 28, 2020When our foreparents turned away from God there were terrible consequences, and we need to face them. Just like ignoring a terrible disease can be deadly, so we need to think of the real, serious and deadly consequences of rebellion against God.
Lesson 5: Against the Law
By Stephen Vance on September 27, 2020This lesson contrasts law and grace. God’s law is his commandments and righteousness, which show us our sin, but his grace is his cross and his love, which give us forgiveness. This is important lesson for our time when sin is deemphasized and grace is misunderstood. We need the law
Lesson 6: Can You Believe the Bible?
By Stephen Vance on September 25, 2020This lesson traces the process by which the Bible came to us, and looks at the evidence for it as God’s word. We look at whether it has changed, been corrupted, or was even accurate historically in the first place. Most important, we see the relevant of God’s word to
Lesson 7: Jesus is the Lord! – The Deity of Jesus Christ
By Stephen Vance on September 24, 2020“Jesus is Lord” was the common confession of the early Christians. The Romans wanted people to say that the Emperor Caesar was lord and should be worshipped, but the Christians refused saying that Jesus alone is LORD, because He is equal with God. We examine how Jesus is God, and
Lesson 8: The Greatest Place in the World
By Stephen Vance on September 23, 2020In this lesson we come to the cross of Jesus, a place not significant for its natural beauty or sophisticated advancement, but for its historical significance and spiritual meaning. At the cross we will see the Bibles predictions fulfilled, and human sinfulness overcome by God’s saving love and forgiveness.
Lesson 9: The Greatest Miracle
By Stephen Vance on September 22, 2020This lesson explores the bedrock foundation of Christianity: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We show the historical evidence that it happened, but also the spiritual impact of that miraculous event. Jesus really is the Lord who can save sinners, but also judge the world.
Lesson 10: Why is there so much suffering in the world?
By Stephen Vance on September 21, 2020We live in a world of suffering including starvation, sorrow, pain and death, issues that often cause us deep personal grief, and also questions about God. This talk explores what the Bible speaks to this topic, why is there suffering, how God helps us cope and even grow through difficulties.
Lesson 11: Being Saved
By Stephen Vance on September 20, 2020The word “saved” refers to being rescued from danger or being delivered into a position of security and safety. It is used in a spiritual sense in the Bible over and over again of God’s desire to rescue sinners from hell, and save them for membership in his wonderful family and
Lesson 12: Finding Your Way – A Map for Life
By Stephen Vance on September 19, 2020We all must face the spiritual dilemma of what we will do with Jesus? We are traveling from birth, through life into God’s eternity, and along the way, we meet Jesus Christ who is like a door of opportunity, and we must decide if we will come to Him.
Lesson 13: Who Can Forgive Sins?
By Stephen Vance on September 18, 2020Forgiveness involves the removal of sin, and the freedom and peace that comes. Of course, forgiveness is never deserved, but as Jesus showed at the cross when he said over and over “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” God is a God who loves to
Lesson 14: Spiritual Peace for Today
By Stephen Vance on September 17, 2020In a world of global crises on the verge of eruption, one of the most beautiful titles of Jesus is that He is The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Peace starts in our hearts when we deal with the disconnection between us and God, but it is a lifelong journey
Lesson 15: Born Again into God’s Family
By Stephen Vance on September 16, 2020We all have a first birth that put us into our human family. Some of us may have great families, others may have very unhappy families. But there is a family that it a beautiful family to be in – it is the world-wide family of God! To get into
Lesson 16: Amazing Grace
By Stephen Vance on September 15, 2020God’s law is quite frightening, because its standards are much higher than a country’s civil laws – God looks for complete truth in our hearts. Grace, however, is the concept of a gift, something which we receive for free. It is obviously the characteristic of a God of love who
Lesson 17: Heaven – Are You Going?
By Stephen Vance on September 14, 2020The Bible describes heaven as a place without and suffering, sorrow, tears, crying or pain, all because it is a place without any sin or death. Remember that since there are no unbelievers in heaven, if you want to be in God’s beautiful home, you must trust God’s beloved Son!
Lesson 18: How to Accept Christ
By Stephen Vance on September 13, 2020Originally at the beginning of the human race, Adam and Eve had complete access to God, but sin closed that door. Because the Lord Jesus sacrificed Himself at the cross, the door of salvation was swung completely open so that now sinners can enter in through Jesus Christ! But we
Lesson 19: Priority #1
By Stephen Vance on September 12, 2020This lesson explores Jesus story about a man who put himself and his current physical success first, and neglected his future with God. Life goes best when Jesus Christ is put first!
Knowing and Growing
By Stephen Vance on September 11, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and
Knowing and Growing: Praying through life
By Stephen Vance on September 10, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and
Knowing and Growing: Obedience
By Stephen Vance on September 9, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and
Knowing and Growing: Fellowship
By Stephen Vance on September 8, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. To understand this new life think of the word FOCUS: Fellowship, Obedience, Communion, Understanding, and
Knowing and Growing: Sharing the Good News
By Stephen Vance on September 7, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. This session explores the importance of sharing the good news about Jesus with others.
Knowing and Growing: Holy Spirit People
By Stephen Vance on September 6, 2020Once we are born into God family by being saved from ours sins by the Lord Jesus’ death on the cross for us, we have a new spiritual life that begins to grow inside us. This session explores the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers.
Cynthia Vance
Organizer and TeacherStephen Vance
Organizer and TeacherShekinah Shilesh
Bryan Joyce
Team Members

Cynthia Vance
Organizer and TeacherAlong with her husband, Cynthia co-organizes all the events of GNGO, from being Summer Camp co-director and cook to being the biweekly Youth Connect leader and teacher.
Team Members

Stephen Vance
Organizer and TeacherAlong with his wife Cynthia, Stephen organizes all the events of GNGO, from being Summer Camp director and the Teen Connect leader, to being the teacher of the adult Exploring God and Life classes.
Team Members
Shekinah Shilesh
Team Members

Bryan Joyce
Bryan is a Bible teacher at Langstaff Church in Vaughan ON. He and wife Rachel have four children. They serve together to encourage God’s people and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Bryan has been helping Stephen and Brian in Discipleship Week for the past few years.